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The Matrix of the Constitution

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The last couple of days have been very interesting. I have had powerful discussion with some deep people about subjects that most of us don't want to think about.

Nevertheless, I love to think about these things. As you may have guest, I a conspiracy thoerist. What I have discovered is that the best way to keep a secret is to hide it in plain sight. The reality of the Matrix world we live in is obvious to those that take the time to do some BASIC research and reading.

I know, I know, people don't like to read and definately don't appreciate having to do some research. In this sound byte society we live in Instand Gratification is the mantra of the people. This is a tradegy because somewhere along the way in the development of this country and mindset, the yearning to think critically in all aspects of life was drained.

The wild thing is when you talk to people that are "passionate" about politics or a certain politicians and find out that the haven't even read the Constitution. How are you going to be passionate about politics and have no conception of the Constitution? Isn't the Constitution the most important document in our political system?

If you agree with the above questions, ask yourself this. Why was the last time you read the Constitution was in the 8th grade? I know it was the last time you read was the 8th grade because that was the last time I read it....before I regained my hunger for first hand knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking.

I believe you understand far more than you did in the 8th grand and if re-read the Constitution today, you would understand it much better than you did as a teenager. Right?

Good. Now, go and read the Constitution.

The Matrix is all around us, but we are too stupid to read some basic documents and get an understand of world, country, and political system we have submitted to. Now, if you have done some basic research, you will caught the phrasing I used in the last sentence. If you didn't unerstand that, get to reading.

I found myself in Borders the other week and saw some pocket sized constitutions and declaration of Independence for .99 cents and bought two. I should have gotten 10 to pass out to other people....I have already given away one of these books.

Good luck, Neo!
posted by Thought Is Possibility, 10:21 PM


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