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Home About Me Invest With Passion! Picking Comps

Enjoying Life a Little Bit

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today, I took a break from my workout plan to enjoy life a little bit. It was a planned break, so that is good.

I have recently developed this obsession with the Wii. I just love it. The bowling game has my family full devotion. We play it all the time. That is partically because we really enjoy bowling as well. Although, my wife and I believe it is better than the real bowling alley because you hold your beer while you are bowling and the ally is in the family room. What could be better than that? If we get to drunk bowling, we can just go to bed.

The picture is of me before bowling a couple of games today. If you look in the background, that is my avatar for the game holding the bowling ball. He is in green with glasses. That is the pin killer!!! I am really getting good at this game. If you play, my Pro ranking is plus 1200 and rising. I was in the 1380 range, but drop drastically after bowling like a 135. That was a bad game to say the least.

Nevertheless, I can see many blogs in the future about my Wii addition, so get ready. You are going to have to tolerate it because I love it.

Tomorrow, I am going to beat this body up with some ROADWORK!!! I want to run 4 to 6 miles tomorrow. It is going to be tough because I have a lot to do, but excuses never get you anywhere...., so I am going to make it happen.

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posted by Thought Is Possibility, 7:26 PM


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