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Home About Me Invest With Passion! Picking Comps

7 Year Wedding Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today is my 7th wedding anniversary to the greatest woman in the world. I cannot tell you how fortunate I am to have been with this woman for so long. She is incredible.

It is funny how life throws you curve balls because back in college I could not have imagined that I would have been married for one, and this happy for another. These seven years have flown by as if they were 7 weeks. I guess that is when you know you are with someone special, the time just flys....or is that old age?

Anyway, I am often asked the question by my friends, "How do you and Krys do it? How do you make the marriage work so well?"

Well, I don't know how it works so well..., but it does. We try our best to be open and honest with one another about all matters and we are not shy about calling the other person out when they are on some BS, but that is rare because we have an understanding that we are in this life together and we both want to make the best of it.

Communication is the key to a great marriage. You hear that all the time, but it is the truth....that is why you hear it so much. We talk all the time and take the time to reconnect with one another on a spiritual, mental, and physical level. All of these are very important to a balanced life and marriage.

Obviously, we have common goals for the family that we put above all small and petty things. Our addictions take a back seat to these goals ALL THE TIME! I think this is sometimes where people fail, letting their addictions get the best of them and their partner.

Addictions can be anything thing from drugs and alcohol to nightclubs, video games, shoes, or food. The point is to not put any of these things in front of your mate and both of your family goals. Family first is the motto and we are serious about our family.

For instance, my wife and I love beer! Who doesn't right? LOL! Anyway, there have been times when we didn't have enough money to get us a 12 pack because it would jepordize the goals of the family and direction we were moving. Well, in this case we don't buy any beer. It is that simple. You have to control your additions to do what is best for the family.

Support is the other key that I would give to a successful marriage. If you are not willing to support your mate 100% in their life endeavors, then you may as well not get married. Support is the key because if that other person doesn't feel like they are not getting the love, respect, encouragement, and support from their mate, then it just simply ain't gone work. Please respect the desites of your mate because if you don't, then you can forget about it.

We used to live in Dallas, Texas and Krystal loved it. She had a job that she really enjoyed at JDRF, Juvenile Diabeties Resource Foundation. Inspite of this, she supported our move to Chicago, Illinois in my quest to be an entrepreneur. This was in 2002 and we have been here ever since. That was outstanding because she could have faught me and we would have stayed, but that is not what it is all about. When I asked her why, she said, "If we never came to Chicago, you would have always regretted and wonder what if and I could not live with myself if I did that to you."

Wow! I love that woman with everything I am!!!!!

Happy 7th Anniversary to me and my Babycakes!!!!!
posted by Thought Is Possibility, 9:06 AM


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